Stodůlky Property Park
Warehouse and business-administrative park in Prague
This is one of the first REDSTONE’s successful investment projects. The multifunctional Prague complex Stodůlky Property Park, s.r.o. at the intersection of Jeremiášova and Bavorská Streets with an area of almost 130,000 sqm was purchased by REDSTONE Group at the beginning of 2016. The location offered an interesting mix of properties with office, warehouse and retail uses.
There are over 40 stable tenants in the complex, the largest of which are the companies Sconto nábytek s.r.o., Elit CZ spol.s.r.o., Chára Sport a.s., Koberce BRENO spol.s.r.o., COBRA spol.s.r.o., Ista Česká republika s.r.o, AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. and Konstruktiva Lokus a.s. The complex and its tenants benefit from convenient connection to Rozvadovská spojka (direction toward Prague centre), D5 motorway (direction toward Plzeň) and public transport (bus, subway). In the spring of 2017, REDSTONE received an interesting offer, to which it responded and sold the project with above-standard financial appreciation.
More info for investors
18th January 2016
17th March 2017