Financial indicators
REDSTONE REAL ESTATE, a.s. prepares its financial statements in accordance with the International Financing Reporting Standards, as adopted by the European Communities, which consist of a consolidated balance sheet, a consolidated statement of comprehensive income, a consolidated statement of changes in equity, and a consolidated statement of cash flows.
Selected financial data from the consolidated financial statements of the parent company REDSTONE REAL ESTATE, a.s. according the IFRS-EU methodology.

In 2021, the development Group REDSTONE has continued in preparation and realization of the following projects Envelopa Office Center, East Park Olomouc, Galerie Pernerka in Pardubice, Královská louka Bouzov, Properties Chomoutov, Municipal multifunctional centre, or Chateau Escot. In addition, several other projects have been in the pipeline – purchase of lands with the outline of the future plans with it. However, currently the preparation of architectural plans, planning studies and other necessary phases have not been yet completed.
The Group’s consolidated profit before tax according to audited figures and IFRS-EU standards for 2021 amounted to CZK383.6 million.
The implementation of our own investment projects contributed significantly to this result. The Group’s total assets exceeded CZK 4 billion and increased by CZK 850 million (i.e. over 26%) year-on-year. The company’s equity increased by CZK 293 million (i.e. 25%) year-on-year to CZK 1.43 billion.
Selected financial indicators of the REDSTONE Group

Consolidated results according to the IFRS

Total assets of the REDSTONE Group in thousands of CZK
Development of the REDSTONE Group's equity in thousands of CZK